Trooper Merza Tucker Jeffery (known as Bob) enlisted on 5 March 1917 at the age of eighteen. He was single and his occupation was recorded as clerk.
He named his father Harold as his next of kin. They lived in Harris Street, Granville.
He embarked for service overseas on 2 November 1917 to serve with the 7 Light Horse Regiment 2 Light Horse Brigade.
Trooper Merza Jeffery’s war service records indicate that in early August of 1918 he was dangerously ill and was being hospitalised in Egypt. The Army Authorities kept his parents informed of his recovery. In September of 1917, his father wrote to Base Records to express his sincere gratefulness for the receipt of frequent cables informing them of his son’s progress.
The Cumberland Argus reported on his recovery in its edition of 7 September 1918 at page 11.
Trooper Merza Jeffery returned to Australia and was discharged from service in August 1919. He was awarded the British War Medal and Victory Medal.
A letter from his daughter Robin, which she wrote in 1970 to inquire about his eligibility for the Anzac Medal, indicates that Merza (Bob) Jeffery died sometime in 1955.
Janet Britton, Volunteer Research Assistant, City of Parramatta, Parramatta Heritage Centre, 2016